Mr. Sushant Giri


With a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering and a Diploma in Engineering Design and Drafting, Sushant is an innovative and passionate professional who excels at proactive problem-solving. His expertise lies at the intersection of science and design, where he leverages his technical knowledge to craft ingenious solutions. In addition to his academic achievements, he has acquired valuable hands-on experience in the field of black soldier fly rearing while working for a dynamic startup company, OWMS, Saudi Arabia. In this role, he applied his chemical engineering background to the sustainable and innovative practice of insect farming. He played a pivotal role in developing efficient rearing methods, optimizing nutrient profiles, and contributing to the company's mission of pioneering sustainable solutions in the agricultural sector.

All sessions by Mr. Sushant Giri

Workshop 13: Upcycling organic waste with Black Soldier Fly larvae
02:00 PM


Mr. Baqer Aljaman

CEO & Co-founder, OWMS

Dr. Ribhu Gautam

Postdoctoral Fellow, KAUST
